eBay Alternatives -15 Best Websites Like eBay to Sell Products Online

19 Jul-2024
By : Ritesh Jain
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Out of the possible infinity of online marketplaces on the web, eBay represents the primary place for buying and selling alternatives. Also, for those searching for alternatives or looking to expand their selling arenas, these doors are wide open. From the creation of individualized marketplaces for niche-specific products to large general e-commerce sites that offer numerous options, the possibilities are endless. In this article, we’ll go through 15 best sites like eBay, offering both sellers and customers various venues to present or acquire products and tap unprecedentedly large audiences. Whether you are an artisan with some craft items, a tech nerd with all the latest gizmos, or a closet full of designer labels, there is a marketplace that would cater to your product needs.

The growth of the global ecommerce development services is extremely striking. Since 2014, worldwide eCommerce sales have increased by approximately 800%. According to Statista e-commerce retail sales worldwide will reach approximately 4.9 trillion$. That number is expected to increase 50 percent over the next four years to about $ 7.4 trillion by 2025. Read about the various options in this article as you discover their respective features while you find a way to command the market in this competitive world of e-commerce.

What is an Online Marketplace?

An e-marketplace is a virtual network whereby different types of sellers or vendors can enlist as well as offer and sell their goods and services to a group with a wide span of consumers. Such sites are like virtual buildings where goods or services can be exchanged online, creating an electronic market with no need for brick-and-mortar stores. Essentially, the common marketplace functions give vendors an option to list specific goods, accept payments, and create room for communications to make the buying and selling processes simple and easily manageable. To illustrate, e-commerce Platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy make up this group. They usually feature an eclectic array of tenants, ensuring customers a great chance to find a vast array of items from various categories. Online Retail Platforms have changed the landscape of business by giving vast market access that is convenient for both small and big-size businesses to get global exposure and for consumers to locate everything they need depending on budget, location, policies, and other important factors.

It’s better to come up with some original and best website ideas if you want to create a new online marketplace in order to attract visitors.

What is eBay?

eBay is a eCommerce platform that was created and launched by Pierre Omidyar in 1995 and is currently one of the largest online marketplaces around the globe. It works as a Selling Platform that establishes a link between consumers and sellers worldwide, stimulating both sellers and buyers, tokens, while offering a wide variety of products and categories. eBay provides people and companies with optional platforms to post new or used goods and items for sale through online bidding or pricing methods/ acting as Auction Sites on eBay. People can shop there for items, place bids, or complete the purchases without late shopping seasons and sometimes the prices are lower than brand stores. The eCommerce Sites gives vendors access to a control panel where they can create, edit, and manage their listings, conclude deals, and negotiate with clients. eBay rates its marketplace banus against the feedback system which makes senders and collectors give each other a review based on their experience of working with one another. Through the years eBay had many functions, which can’t be limited to the electronic car sales and the eBay classified portion. It still is a popular site for both consumers and companies that are involved in the buying and selling of goods online, dealing with a high volume and variety of goods and other business transactions in an active and vibrant marketplace.

What Must-Have Features To Include In an E-commerce Platform App Like eBay?

If you wish to create an e-commerce marketplace app, here is a list of must-have features you can include by collaborating with a website app development company. Check it out:

Easy Process for Creating an Account: Signing up on the website, both for the customers and vendors, should be a maximum two-step process. To make it quicker, let users sign up through Google or Facebook accounts on your e-commerce app.

AI Collaborated Search & Suggestions: A non-skippable feature is an intuitive search bar that enables customers to look up instantly without compromising accuracy, increasing the chances of buying from your e-commerce platform. If this feature is AI-powered it can guide customers to similar relevant products if one is out of stock.

Best Payment Processing Solutions: For better sale conversion, users must have multiple payment options – from basics like COD and UPI payments, cards, or Apple Pay or international cards. Get these integrated when developing B2B or B2C e-commerce development. As per Oberlo statistics, the Top online payment methods worldwide

Online Payment method (Worldwide) Share of total online transaction value (2023)
Digital Wallets 50%
Credit Cards 22%
Debit Cards 12%
A2A 7%
Buy Now, Pay Later 5%
Cash on delivery 2%
Prepaid cards 1%


Hassle-Free Checkout Page: The final checkout page of any eCommerce app must provide users with simple and accurate details of several items, total costs, shipping charges, and space for applying discount codes.

Option To Share Purchase On Social Media: With social media integration, your customers can share what they have purchased from your platform. If a product becomes popular among Instagram influencers this can bring in more traffic and boost sales.

Timely Order Updates To Customers: From shipping updates to what offer is running and the best time to buy a wishlist product, real-time notifications, and alerts to keep your customers worry-free and engaged with your eBay-like marketplace app.

3 Reasons to Opt for an Online Selling Platform:

Opting for an online selling platform offers global reach, lower costs, convenience, valuable analytics, flexibility, 24/7 availability, and scalability, empowering sellers to maximise efficiency and expand their market reach.

  1. Broad Reach: Almost all eCommerce Alternatives offer access to a vast audience of potential customers worldwide, allowing businesses to expand their reach beyond local markets.
  2. Convenience: Both buyers and sellers benefit from the convenience of conducting transactions online, eliminating the need for physical storefronts and enabling 24/7 access to products and services.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Setting up shop on an online marketplace often incurs lower overhead costs than establishing a traditional brick-and-mortar store, making it a cost-effective option for businesses to reach customers.

Know About Websites like eBay Business Model

Understanding eBay’s business model entails grasping its fundamental operations, revenue streams, and value propositions:

  1. Platform Facilitation: Being a middle person, eBay provides the means for connecting buyers and sellers globally, via its online marketplace.
  2. Listing Fees: Listing fees paid by sellers to put their products on eBay are the main sources of earnings for eBay.
  3. Final Value Fees: eBay will charge sellers on a closing sale price basis and the higher the sales the more revenues it will be generating.
  4. Promoted Listings: The sellers may also get an additional fee which they will pay in return for higher marketing of their businesses on the platform.
  5. Advertising: eBay makes money through advertising. The businesses are allowed to advertise their products to eBay’s tens of millions of user base.
  6. Subscription Services: eBay offers subscription services based on individual choices; for example, eBay Stores, which are a tool and benefit package for sellers, must be subscribed for with a monthly fee.
  7. Value Proposition: eBay is a live marketplace platform that allows individuals and businesses to buy and sell a diverse variety of items, thereby creating intense competition among private enterprises.

Knowing eBay’s business model helps to understand how can you hire a eCommerce website development company and stand out among many others and remain among the most recognizable global online marketplaces.

Why eBay Vendors are Migrating from eBay?

eBay vendors are migrating due to increased competition, rising fees, policy changes, and a desire for more control over their businesses, prompting them to explore alternative platforms for better opportunities:

  • Fee Structure: eBay’s pricing strategy, consisting of original listing fees, closing value fees, and reservable listing fees, may offer irritation many vendors of its high cost, narrowing the net profit.
  • Competition: Given the boom in online marketplaces through electronic commerce platforms like Amazon, some sellers might find it difficult to be unique and the front-runner in the eBay environment.
  • Policy Changes: The fact that eBay updates its algorithms and quality metrics regularly may often upset the vendors and create a sour feeling in their minds.
  • Customer Service Issues: Some dealers, however, could have trouble with customer care, delaying them and keeping them down from necessary assistance.
  • Platform Stability: Platform stability issues, like technical glitches or downtime, may therefore be one of the reasons why marketplace vendors might look for another selling marketplace.

Overall, these factors contribute to eBay vendors exploring other e-commerce Alternatives for selling their products and diversifying their e-commerce presence. You can also develop your eCommerce store with help of Helpful Insight.

15 Best Websites Like eBay Marketplace Alternatives to Find and Sell Products

Here are some alternatives to eBay for buying and selling products: Amazon, Etsy, Craigslist, Bonanza, Shopify, Facebook Marketplace, Mercari, OfferUp, Poshmark, and Newegg.

1. Amazon – Largest eCommerce Marketplace:

Amazon is rather the biggest online marketplace operating in 20+ countries with over 300+ active consumers which has favorable options such as rapid shipping to the competitors like eBay. Sellers get a chance to grab a worldwide potential client across several classifications, whilst buyers are reaping the benefits of low price and Prime shipping. Websites like Amazon is the most popular and best alternative to eBay marketplace.

EBay Alternatives - Amazon

Marketplace like Amazon offers a wide array of features, including:

  • Vast Product Selection: Amazon offers the choice considering the line of products grouped under so many categories.
  • Quick Shipping: For Prime members, fast and convenient shipping options are the main advantage.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Users might get exact product reviews and ratings, allowing them to make the right choice before purchasing.
  • One-Click Ordering: Shortening the payment process and providing fast purchases.
  • Subscribe & Save: Automatic reordering of the standard items and discounts for customers.
  • Amazon Prime Video: Movie and TV title streaming site that has a huge selection of movies and TV shows and doesn’t involve paid ads like traditional cable.


  • Vast Selection: Amazon not only has a wide range of products but the possibility to order even books from there.
  • Convenience: Brand provides online shopping that is convenient and only takes a short time to get to you.
  • Competitive Pricing: Many popular items are sold at a discount and money can be saved.
  • Prime Membership: Among the privileges of membership we offer are a warm welcome and free shipping and streaming.


  • Counterfeit Products: The risk of vendors selling items that are replicas or low quality is there.
  • Dependency: Equaling the fame of the local businesses as well as the vast usage of Amazon leads to the problem of local businesses.

2. Etsy – Online Marketplace in USA:

With its focus on handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind goods that could often be hard to find elsewhere, the Etsy online marketplace is declaring its niche corner for handmade and vintage crafters. Through the community-centeredness of its product offerings and the fact that it specifically searches for unique items, shoppers who are on the lookout for something very special are always accommodated. There are so many entrepreneurs things to build websites like Etsy for starting a great business venture.

EBay Alternatives: Etsy

Etsy offers unique features tailored for artisans and crafters:

  1. Handmade Goods: An online store featuring homemade, second hand and one-off merchandise.
  2. Seller Tools: Solution that offers the sellers instruments and aspects on how to manage stores effectively. Use our artificial intelligence (AI) tools to evaluate your text.
  3. Customization: From the buyer’s perspective, these choices reflect their unique personality or preferences.
  4. Community Engagement: A variety market spearheads a vivid community for buyers and sellers, with interaction and support being the uncanny links for success.
  5. Search Filters: Specific filters designed for second-hand, vintage, and handcrafted stuff can be used to have the products browsed without any difficulty.
  6. Direct Communication: System of communication that can be direct between consumers and suppliers for customized ordering and personalized requests.


  • Handmade Goods: Specific marketplace for homemade, vintage, and crafts products. Create a customized plan to address this additional issue.
  • Community: Cooperation, collaboration and the provision of help will ensure the success of the customers and vendors.


  • Seller Fees: Commission for listing products on the platform and selling those products also.
  • Competition: The existence of too many players in the market can lower deals for customers, which will present strong competition for sellers to stand out.
  • Limited Scope: Being only handmade crafts, vintage, and once-off products we can only get a few of them at a time this way to master limited variety.

3. Bonanza:

Known for its seller-friendly policies, Bonanza provides a platform for selling a broad array of products, including antiques, collectibles, fashion, and home goods. Its straightforward fee structure and ease of use attract both sellers and buyers.

EBay Alternatives : Bonanza

Bonanza offers distinctive features tailored for sellers:

  1. Seller-Friendly Policies: Policies that encourage and help the sellers to feel comfortable and provide low fees along with customizable listings are among the policies of this platform.
  2. Broad Product Range: The selection of products ranging from opposite ends of the spectrum that include antiques, collectibles, fashion, and home goods among others.
  3. Google Shopping Integration: In Google Shopping, integration of the shopping will be seamless leading to increased product visibility and reach.
  4. Import Tools: This process can be greatly accelerated by providing tools like directly import listing from other channels (e.g. eBay).
  5. Community Support: We have found a welcoming community of sellers who are all willing to give advice and helping hands.
  6. Bonanza Advertising: It also provides space for brand advertisement, to increase product awareness and sales.


  • Seller-Friendly Policies: Cheap listings and seller parts setting options provide the latter advantages.
  • Diverse Product Range: A vast selection of products including antiques and collector pieces as well as fashion and home decor.


  • Limited Brand Recognition: The fact that it has gained more popularity and preferability makes it overshadow the popular giant marketplace sites like eBay or Amazon.
  • Competition: Rivals bid for the buyers’ attention which could block the reach of buyers.
  • Buyer Reach: A customer base that is a lot smaller than the larger market players have.

4. Newegg:

Newegg is a website for tech fans. It has gadgets and tech stuff at very low prices. It also has a place for people to sell their things. The people that follow this website know a lot about tech and that makes it a good place to buy from.

EBay Alternatives: Newegg

Newegg has:

    1. Product Selection: Lots of tech stuff, like computers and electronics.
    2. Competitive Pricing: good prices and deals on lots of different things.
    3. Tech Review: of products to help with buying decisions.
    4. Marketplace Platforms: A place for people to sell their things.


  • Extensive Product Selection: Big selection of electronics and computer stuff. Tech has changed so much in the last 15 years, it’s part of our lives now.
  • Competitive Pricing: Good prices and deals for tech. Phones have changed how people live in places like Uganda.


  • Customer Service: Some people have had problems with customer service.
  • Shipping Delay: The shipping can be slow sometimes.
  • Limited Categories: There aren’t a lot of choices for things besides tech stuff.

5. Rakuten:

Rakuten offers cash rewards, hosts a variety of products, and provides an opportunity for sellers to reach a wide audience. Buyers have a lot of different things to choose from in several categories as well as a chance to get cash back.

EBay Alternatives: Rakuten

Rakuten offers a variety of features for both buyers and sellers: Rakuten has varying functionalities for sellers and buyers:

  1. Cashback Rewards: It gives you rebates on your purchases made via the website.
  2. Wide Product Range: The site carries many different items across various groups such as gadgets, clothes, and furniture.
  3. Rakuten Points: These points are obtained whenever someone buys something using their cards which they can later redeem for discounts or other good things.
  4. Marketplace Platform: It allows other vendors to list their products thereby increasing the product range available
  5. Member Benefits: There are special promotions only for those who belong to this group.
  6. Rakuten Mobile: Convenient shopping app used anywhere through your mobile device.


  • Cashback Rewards: It gives you rebates on your purchases made via the website.
  • Wide Product Range: Many different products in different categories.


  • Limited Brand Recognition: Not being as recognized as bigger e-commerce platforms.
  • Shipping Times: Some competitors have faster shipping times than them.
  • Limited Membership Benefits – They may not have extensive privileges.

6. Walmart Marketplace:

Allowing third-party sellers to list their products alongside Walmart’s offerings, Walmart Marketplace provides access to a massive customer base. Its integration with Walmart’s website and brick-and-mortar stores offers convenience for buyers and sellers alike.

Walmart Marketplace

Walmart Marketplace offers key features for sellers and buyers:

  1. Expansive Product Selection: Access to a wide array of products ranging from electronics to groceries.
  2. Trusted Brand: Buyers benefit from Walmart’s reputation for quality and reliability.
  3. Seller Tools: Tools and resources for sellers to manage their listings and monitor performance.
  4. Competitive Pricing: Competitive pricing and deals on a variety of products.
  5. Fulfillment Services: Fulfillment options include drop shipping and fulfillment centers.
  6. Customer Support: Access to Walmart’s customer service for inquiries and assistance.


  • Broad Product Range: Access to a wide array of products including electronics, groceries, and household items.
  • Trusted Brand: Buyers benefit from Walmart’s reputation for quality and reliability.


  • Limited Seller Tools: Sellers may find the platform lacks robust tools and resources compared to other marketplaces.
  • Competition: High competition among sellers may make it challenging to stand out.

7. Facebook Marketplace:

Facilitating local buying and selling within communities, Facebook Marketplace offers ease of communication and transactions. Its social aspect enables buyers and sellers to connect directly, fostering trust and transparency.

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace offers intuitive features for local buying and selling:

  1. Local Discovery: Easily browse and discover items for sale in your local area.
  2. Direct Communication: Communicate directly with sellers via Facebook Messenger.
  3. Wide Variety: Find a diverse range of items including furniture, electronics, and clothing.
  4. Seller Verification: Profiles and reviews help verify the credibility of sellers.
  5. Easy Listing: Simple listing process with photo uploads and descriptions.
  6. Social Integration: Share listings with friends and family on Facebook for increased visibility.


  • Local Buying and Selling: Convenient platform for local transactions within communities.
  • Direct Communication: Ability to communicate directly with buyers or sellers via Facebook Messenger.


  • Lack of Buyer Protection: Limited buyer protection compared to other e-commerce platforms.
  • Scams and Fraud: Potential for scams and fraudulent transactions due to lack of stringent verification processes.
  • Limited Payment Options: Limited payment options are available for transactions.

8. Overstock:

Emphasizing quality and value, Overstock provides discounted prices on furniture, home decor, and other goods. Its focus on curated product selections appeals to buyers seeking stylish yet affordable options.


Overstock provides an array of features for buyers seeking quality products at discounted prices:

  1. Vast Selection: Extensive inventory of furniture, home decor, electronics, and more.
  2. Discounted Prices: Offers products at discounted rates compared to traditional retail prices.
  3. Flash Deals: Regularly updated flash sales and promotions for additional savings.
  4. Customer Reviews Detailed product reviews and ratings to aid purchasing decisions.
  5. Club O Rewards: Loyalty program offering rewards on purchases, free shipping, and other benefits.
  6. Mobile App: Convenient shopping experience with the Overstock mobile app.


  • Discounted Prices: Offers discounted prices on furniture, home decor, and other goods.
  • Quality Products: Provides quality products with an emphasis on value and affordability.


  • Limited Product Range: This may not offer as extensive a selection as some competitors.
  • Shipping Delays: Some users report occasional delays in shipping.
  • Returns Process: Returns process may be cumbersome for some users.

9. AliExpress:

Connecting buyers with sellers primarily based in China, AliExpress offers a vast array of products at competitive prices. Its international shipping options and buyer protection policies make it a popular choice for online shoppers worldwide.

Ali Express

Ali Express offers a variety of features for buyers seeking affordable products directly from manufacturers:

  1. Extensive Product Range: A vast selection of products ranging from electronics to fashion and home goods.
  2. Competitive Pricing: Affordable prices due to direct sales from manufacturers.
  3. Buyer Protection: Guaranteed refunds and dispute resolution for unsatisfactory purchases.
  4. Global Shipping: Worldwide shipping options with varying delivery times.
  5. Coupons and Discounts: Regularly available coupons and discounts for additional savings.
  6. AliExpress Pocket: Convenient mobile wallet for secure and easy payments.


  • Affordable Pricing: Offers products at competitive prices due to direct sales from manufacturers.
  • Wide Product Range: Extensive selection of products across various categories.


  • Long Shipping Times: Shipping times can be lengthy, especially for international orders.
  • Quality Concerns: Some users report receiving low-quality or counterfeit items.
  • Communication Barriers: Language barriers may hinder communication with sellers.

10. Craigslist:

Facilitating local classified ads, Craigslist enables the buying and selling of various items within communities. Its simplicity and lack of listing fees make it an accessible platform for both casual sellers and buyers.


Craigslist offers straightforward features for local buying and selling:

  1. Local Classifieds: Browse listings specific to your city or region for easy local transactions.
  2. Diverse Categories: Find a wide range of items including housing, jobs, services, and goods.
  3. Free Listings: Post ads for free, making them accessible to individuals and businesses.
  4. Direct Communication: Communicate directly with buyers or sellers via email or phone.
  5. No Account Required: No account creation is needed to browse or post listings.
  6. Community Moderation: Users moderate the platform by flagging inappropriate content or scams.


  • Local Classifieds: Convenient platform for local buying and selling within communities.
  • Free Listings: No cost for posting ads, making it accessible for individuals and businesses.


  • Limited Moderation: Limited oversight may lead to scams or fraudulent transactions.
  • Lack of Buyer Protection: Buyers may encounter risks due to a lack of buyer protection policies.
  • Limited Features: Basic features compared to other e-commerce platforms.

11. Grailed:

Specializing in streetwear, luxury fashion, and sneakers, Grailed caters to fashion enthusiasts and collectors. Its curated marketplace and community-driven approach make it a go-to platform for high-end fashion reselling.


Grailed caters to fashion enthusiasts with unique features:

  1. Designer Fashion: Curated selection of high-end and luxury fashion items.
  2. Streetwear Focus: Specializes in streetwear, sneakers, and rare clothing items.
  3. Seller Verification: Profiles with verification badges ensure credibility and authenticity.
  4.  Buyer Protection: Protection against counterfeit items and unauthorized transactions.
  5.  Personalized Feed: Tailored recommendations based on user preferences and browsing history.
  6. Community Engagement: Active community forums and discussions on fashion trends and styles.


  • Specialized Marketplace: Dedicated to streetwear, luxury fashion, and sneakers.
  • Authenticity Guarantee: Ensures authenticity of high-end fashion items.


  • Limited Audience: Targeted towards a specific niche, potentially limiting buyer reach.
  • Competition: High competition among sellers may make it challenging to stand out.
  • Limited Categories: Focuses primarily on fashion, limiting variety in other product categories.

12. Poshmark:

Focusing on fashion, Poshmark allows users to buy and sell new and used clothing, shoes, and accessories in a social shopping environment. Its emphasis on sharing and engagement fosters a vibrant community of buyers and sellers.


Poshmark offers a social shopping experience with distinctive features:

  1. Fashion Marketplace: Specializes in buying and selling new and used clothing, shoes, and accessories.
  2. Social Selling: Users can follow and interact with sellers, fostering a community-driven marketplace.
  3. Virtual Parties: Live shopping events featuring curated collections and themes.
  4. Seller Tools: Easy listing process with photo editing tools and customizable listings.
  5. Offer and Negotiation: Ability to make offers and negotiate prices with sellers.
  6. Buyer Protection: Guarantee of authenticity and refunds for misrepresented items.


  • Social Shopping: Engaging platforms with social features for buying and selling fashion items.
  • Buyer Protection: Protection against counterfeit items and unauthorized transactions.


  • Seller Fees: Fees for listing and selling products on the platform.
  • Competition: High competition among sellers may make it challenging to attract buyers.
  • Limited Scope: Limited to fashion items, potentially limiting product variety.

13. Mercari:

Providing a user-friendly platform for buying and selling a wide range of items, Mercari prioritizes simplicity and convenience. Its straightforward selling process and secure transactions appeal to both sellers and buyers.


Mercari provides user-friendly features for buying and selling various items:

  1. Easy Listing: A simple process for sellers to list items with photos and descriptions.
  2. Secure Transactions: Built-in protection against scams and secure payment processing.
  3. Buyer Ratings: Transparent feedback system to build trust between buyers and sellers.
  4. Shipping Assistance: Convenient shipping labels and options for sellers to streamline the process.
  5. Search Filters: Customizable filters for buyers to find specific items quickly.
  6. Mobile App: Accessible platform with a user-friendly mobile app for on-the-go shopping and selling.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use platform for listing items and communicating with buyers.
  • Secure Transactions: Built-in protection against scams and secure payment processing.


  • Seller Fees: Fees for listing and selling products on the platform.
  • Competition: High competition among sellers may make it challenging to stand out.
  • Limited Reach: Smaller customer base compared to larger e-commerce platforms.

14. Ruby Lane:

Specializing in antiques, collectibles, and vintage items, Ruby Lane offers a curated marketplace for discerning buyers and sellers. Its emphasis on quality and authenticity makes it a trusted platform for vintage enthusiasts.

Ruby Lane

Ruby Lane offers unique features for antique and vintage enthusiasts:

  1. Curated Marketplace: A handpicked selection of antiques, collectibles, and vintage items from trusted sellers.
  2. Authenticity Guarantee: Assurance of genuine and high-quality products with strict vetting processes.
  3. Specialty Shops: Specialized shops cater to niche categories, enhancing the browsing experience.
  4. Personalized Service: Direct communication with sellers and personalized customer support.
  5. Community Engagement: Active forums and discussions on vintage trends, history, and collections.
  6. Secure Transactions: Secure payment processing and buyer protection policies for safe transactions.


  • Curated Marketplace: A handpicked selection of authentic antiques, collectibles, and vintage items.
  • Authenticity Guarantee: Assurance of genuine and high-quality products with strict vetting processes.


  • Limited Audience: Targeted towards a specific niche, potentially limiting buyer reach.
  • Competition: High competition among sellers may make it challenging to stand out.
  • Limited Categories: Focuses primarily on vintage items, limiting variety in other product categories.

15. OfferUp:

Similar to Craigslist, OfferUp facilitates local buying and selling with a mobile-first approach. Its in-app messaging and secure payment options enhance the buying and selling experience for users.


OfferUp provides convenient features for local buying and selling:

  1. Local Marketplace: Browse and list items for sale within your community.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use platform for listing items and communicating with buyers.
  3. In-App Messaging: Direct messaging feature for seamless communication between buyers and sellers.
  4. Secure Payments: Payment processing and transaction protection for safe exchanges.
  5. Search Filters: Customizable filters to refine search results and find specific items.
  6. Mobile App: Accessible platform with a mobile app for convenient shopping and selling on the go.


  • Local Marketplace: Convenient platform for buying and selling items within local communities.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use platform for listing items and communicating with buyers.


  • Limited Buyer Protection: Limited protection against scams compared to other e-commerce platforms.
  • Lack of Brand Recognition: Less recognized compared to larger marketplaces like eBay or Amazon.
  • Limited Product Range: Focuses primarily on local transactions, potentially limiting product variety.

16. Walmart Marketplace:

Walmart Marketplace is one of the best alternatives to ebay. It lets third-party sellers sell their products directly on the e-commerce platform. Established in 2009, it offers sellers a direct connection to Walmart network, with the advantage of the company’s established name and people’s trust. This e-commerce holds procurement of a wide variety of goods such as electronics, home-wares, clothes, and groceries among others. Through this platform, sellers get access to Walmart’s online sales and logistics, while customers get a variety of products to choose from at reasonable prices.


  • Large Customer Base: prompt access to millions of Walmart’s active client base.
  • Trust and Credibility: The benefits include association with Walmart worldwide fame.
  • Advanced Logistics: offers an excellent distribution system that the Walmart company has in its operation.
  • Extra Visibility: Products are displayed at Walmart sites that draw heavy traffic.


  • Strict Requirements: Severe selection criteria and high requirements to the performance of the sellers.
  • Limited Control: It allows sellers to have little control with customer interactions and branding is also not in their control as it is on the person’s individual website.
  • High Competition: Pressure from other sellers, industry competitors, and own products of Walmart.

How Much Does It Cost to Build Websites Like eBay?

Getting in the depth of building an app like Ebay, it is crucial to understand that the cost will mainly depend on the features and functionalities you want to extend in your Ebay-like app. Some of the main features and functionalities that you like to include in the web app:

Let’s get on to the topic “how much does it cost to build an app like Ebay?” To understand the calculation, you must be familiar with the fact that the cost of making an e-commerce app can be divided into three broad parts like wireframing, app designing, and development. Let’s see them one by one:

Wireframe: Wireframe of a web app refers to the process where we outline the app’s concept. Prepared to help the web app developers know what is asked and to help the client to visualize the app post completion. The estimated cost of wireframing can be around $800 and $1000.

Design: The success of an ecommerce app is mainly dependent upon feature inclusivity, designing and flexibility. The design has to be compelling enough to drive site visits into final selling. Based on the complexity of the design, the cost can range anywhere between $10,000-$12,000.

Development: Coding is a significant part of E-commerce app development. From making every button click to the design ensuring the smooth operation of the web app, everything is backed by development. The cost of developing an app like Ebay depends on two things, namely the number of professionals employed on the project and the functionalities offered in the web app. Considering all, the cost of developing an app like Ebay will fall near 10,000 to 100,000. However, this is not an exact figure you need to spend on having such an app.

Cost of B2B eCommerce Website Development Based On Features And Functionalities

In the simplest term, a B2B eCommerce platform that helps eCommerce between business to business rather than between a business and a consumer. This is commonly followed under these industries software for manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers. The advantages of B2B eCommerce platforms can be coined as: the ability to tap on potential customers; Supporting Complex Buying Processes with B2B automation; Ability to reach a mass market at scale. Let’s discuss on the crucial features your need in the B2B eCommerce App and how much it will cost:

Features Of B2B eCommerce app development

What features to look for in a B2B eCommerce App Description B2B eCommerce App Development Cost
Access Controls, Roles & Permissions Access Controls, Roles & Permissions determine who can access what data and perform which actions within the app $1000 to $10,000.
Corporate Account Management This feature is used for developing relationships with key business clients to drive growth and customer satisfaction. $5,000 – $25,000
Personalized B2B Catalog Management Personalized Catalogs in B2B E-commerce tailor product listings, pricing, and content to individual business customers based on their specific needs and purchase history. $10,000 – $100,000
Multiple Stores Multi-store ecommerce is a platform used for multiple web stores or store views to grow internationally $2000 – $20,000
Multiple Price Lists Multiple Price Lists allow businesses to offer different prices for the same product based on customer type, quantity, or other criteria. $800 – $7500
Custom Reports Custom Reports provide tailored data insights by allowing users to define specific metrics, dimensions, and visualizations. $5,000 – $20,000.
Personalized Pricing Personalized Pricing adjusts product prices for individual customers based on their purchasing behavior and preferences. $7000 – $45,000
Advanced Checkout Advanced Checkout offers flexible payment options, including multiple payment methods and streamlined checkout processes for a smoother customer experience. $2,000 – $20,000
Bulk Ordering Bulk Ordering enables customers to purchase large quantities of products at once, often with discounted pricing. $500 to Depending upon integration
On-hand Customer Support On-hand Customer Support provides immediate assistance to customers through various channels like live chat, phone, or email. $30 – $40 per hour
User Registration / login Sigh-Up and Sign-In using the basic details, contact number, or email. $1500 – $5000
User Profile Basic User Information with Editable Setting $1000 – $3000
In-App Messaging Real-Time Chat Between Users $2000 – $6000
Push-Notification Sending Updates and Alerts to the users $1000 – $3000
Search-Functionality Basic Search for Content in the App $1500 – $4000

Cost Of B2C eCommerce Website App Development

B2C ecommerce is nothing but selling goods and services directly to your clients/customers. It’s a traditional way of business: There’s no third party involved, your final sale is reaching the end customer. With B2C ecommerce, the business model works on the 1-to-1 to individual customer support.

B2C e-commerce is the dominant side of the market as maximum online trades work on this model. From clothing to cosmetics to health services, it covers all types of industries and products, and is flexible enough to work for different types of business.

Features Of B2C eCommerce app development

What features to look for in a B2C eCommerce App Description B2C eCommerce App Development Cost
Customer Accounts Customer Accounts help with personalized shopping experiences, order tracking, and customer management for online stores. $500 to $20,000+
Shipping and Returns Shipping and Returns manages product delivery to customers and processes returns or exchanges. $1,000 to $10,000
Product Reviews and Ratings Product Reviews and Ratings allow customers to share feedback and opinions about products. $5,000 – $11,000
Personalized Recommendations Personalized Recommendations shows products or content tailored to individuals as per their online shopping patterns. $20,000 – $100,000
Social Media Integration This connects online platforms with social networks for sharing content, user logins, and enhanced engagement. $2,000 – $13,000
Analytics and Reporting Analytics and Reporting collects data helping business in decision making, $500 to $5,000
Search and Navigation This feature lets customers search, save and explore the products. $50 to $500
Product Information Details about the product that helps in identifying what exactly it is and true size and content. $6,000+
Secure Checkout Process Final step of the purchase, this feature includes order summary, price, and final payment. $10,000 – $40,000
Product Videos and Demos Product is presented in Video format for better showcasing. $200 – $8,000 per video
Order Tracking This feature helps customers to know where the product and time of arrival. $1,000 – $15,000
Live Chat Support This feature is for solving, answering, and providing solutions to the customer through chat. $10-$150 per hour
Payment Integration Accepting Payments through various Platform $3000-$7000
Web App Setting Option to Customize the website app preferences $1000-$25000
Basic Security Features Implementing standard security features $1500-$4000


Which Alternative to eBay is Appropriate?

The suitable alternatives of eBay are contingent on what is needed or preferable for an individual. The specialized market for handmade, vintage as well as most unique products is Etsy. The latter is very successful as it offers small businesses and craftsmen and women a chance to sell their products under the same umbrella. Amazon offers a product choice abundance and fast shipping, which are great for any possible product type, whereas Newegg focuses on electronics and the latest tech gadgets. Facebook Marketplace is one of the perfect platforms for local people to buy/sell within the community hence they have a chance to talk to one another easily and reasonable prices can be agreed upon. Eventually, the right choice is the one that goes with specific selling aims, target groups, and service or product promotion.

How Helpful Insight Can Help in Building eCommerce Websites Like eBay?

Helpful Insight through data-based advice and strategic consulting can help with establishments of e-commerce website like eBay in contributing effective planning and progress in these processes. Here’s how:

  1. Market Research: The Helpful Insight company on its behalf can come up with detailed market research and point out different trends, consumer expectations, and competing environments of the eCommerce market. Such data helps to detail market gaps, attributes of target audience, and opportunities for differentiation from existing products.
  2. User Experience (UX) Analysis: By studying user behavior, feedback, and engagement, Helpful Insight can offer helpful analyses that may lead to an improvement of the site design focusing on its UX. By developing better navigation, product search, and checkout procedures, these aspects will be improved to ensure higher conversion rates and user satisfaction.
  3. Performance Optimization: Helpful Insight possesses the capability to monitor and analyze site performance indicators like loading times response speed and visitor engagement. The help of these statistics lets you know if the performance fails in different spots and improve particular areas to make user engagement smooth and effective.
  4. Personalization Strategies: By use of data analytics, Helpful Insight can make it possible to develop personalized recommendations, specific marketing campaigns, and dynamic content delivery depending on what is interesting and what has already been browsed by users. This then improves user engagement, boosts conversion rate, and consequently, creates customer loyalty.
  5. Competitive Analysis: Helpful Insight analysis of competitors may serve as a benchmarking of the leaders in eBay like the industry, identification of best practices, and exposure of the various opportunities for differentiation. This includes the competitive environment analysis by checking the strategies, pricing model, and promotional tactics of competitors to make the decisions for the strategy side.
  6. Technology Integration: Useful tools provided by Helpful Insight will allow us to make the adoption of advanced solutions like AI, machine learning, and data analysis as part of the eCommerce platform. These capabilities allow businesses to create intelligent systems that use capabilities such as predictive analytics, chatbots, and recommendation engines to create an enhanced user experience and thereby increase sales.

Final Words

We have given comprehensive details on alternatives to Ebay, some must features to include, and the app development cost if you wish to develop one. You can get the most from your online presence if you invest in the right B2C e-commerce development or B2B e-commerce development. However, developing a thriving online presence and building an effective e-commerce business is challenging if you are not backed by the best web app development company. Look through the websites like eBay and pick the platform that serves your requirements best.

If you need some more guidance on the journey of web app development or e-commerce platforms. Feel free to contact us and talk about your eCommerce web app and experiences. We are happy to help!

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